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Youtube Addict • 1 year ago

Here it comes! The last great battle of the Lower Realm!

Bob • 1 year ago

commenting late but was wondering if the word "beast" that they keep using of SH is a mistranslation or needs some hidden lore to understand?

Youtube Addict • 1 year ago

It’s quite literal actually. In the Perfect World’s setting, the beasts have great powers and each ancient beast lineage have their own unique abilities which can be manifested through runes. These runes are often carved onto bones/books. One example is “Kun Peng” or often translated as whale roc! That’s one cultivation technique from the whale roc lineage that SH acquired in the North Sea and that’s also his most powerful technique to date.

They can even take on human forms which make them slightly weaker but even then they are still a lot stronger than humans. SH is such badass and he seems to reach the cultivation ceiling in each level, and that’s why many people believe he’s from the ancient beast lineage (which of course isn’t true).

Bob • 1 year ago

Thank you! I am used to the trope that beasts/trees/rocks etc. need to reach a very high cultivation to take human form and thought it was weird that they are mistaking a "human" from the lower realms as a beast :D

Youtube Addict • 1 year ago

Yes, you’re right. Technically this trope also applies in PW. It’s just most of them still show some beastly attributes like the wings from those guys that SH once fought with. Only when you reach the level of Willow God, you can truly look like a human or actually more like a divine being. But most people aren’t thinking too deep into it I guess. They see a crazy dude who goes around trashing and “eating” others (although in his defence, he only eats non-humanoid creatures), of course it’s tough not to associate SH with a beast. Lol!

Bob • 1 year ago

Man, I straight up forgot that he used to snack on sentient beasts. That might explain some things lol. Poor Lion bro's sacrifice will not be forgotten!

_Simp_Destroyer • 1 year ago

Idk how you keep up with all these upper and lower realms stuff. Im so lost

Youtube Addict • 1 year ago

It’s not that difficult really, just remember the upper realm is the big bully while lower realm is like their harvest land. It has many lost treasures and martial arts/cultivation techniques. All the losers who didn’t make it big in the upper realm want to plunder the said treasures in the lower realm.

Even Willow God was from the upper realm and she was forced to the lower realm to recover (after nearly lost all her cultivation). She’s one of the reasons SH is dying to go to the upper realm. Since the major powerhouses are all from the upper realm, he needs to be at least as strong as them in order to make a name for himself there. Don’t forget, he also wants to find his grandpa, the servant girl and his two waifus there!

The gist of the story:
SH will go to whatever end just to get stronger so that he can protect the people he loves.

AuroraMooon • 11 months ago

They truly are losers, they only in divine flame realm and yet they act like they some powerful gods. They don’t even qualify to even stand beside people like willow tree.

_Simp_Destroyer • 1 year ago

You are a legend thank u

Mr M • 1 year ago

When will they learn...lol

Hentai • 1 year ago


No Life • 1 year ago

15 mins nah

Hentai • 1 year ago


Hao Tian... lol

_Simp_Destroyer • 1 year ago

Can someone explain what the mc is doing since he rescued his parents,? Im so lost

remember_me • 1 year ago

he wants a successor for his kingdom. in the meantime, he wants to know how to ascend to upper realm. thats why he went to spirit realm and met the 2 oldmen.

_Simp_Destroyer • 1 year ago


Freeman • 1 year ago

General is suspicious. Chicken Little vs Winged Serpent.

LowJack187 • 1 year ago

Trashman, God of Trash!

RFLB • 1 year ago
